Director – Bresmar Investment Ltd
Brenda Kunda
An accomplished businesswoman and Managing Director for Bresmar Investment Ltd established and registered in 2003. She has gone against all odds as woman to thrive and prove having dreams is one thing and living them is another, established five viable businesses in the last 17 years. She is an experience Managing Director with a demonstrated history of the work in the construction, mining, and quarrying industry.
She has been in football administration since 2004. Sponsors a men’s football team and use football as a tool to market her newly registered company on the services and products offered. Bresmar become a house-hold name and still is in the North-western Province of Zambia. 2016 – 2021 she served as an elected Executive Committee Member of the Football Association of Zambia. By virtue of being the only female executive committee member, she was tasked to take up the responsibility of women’s football in its totality from the women’s leagues that ran in only two provinces, and which have now expanded to encompass all ten provinces of Zambia. During her tenure she ensured the strategies for women football were in line with the ten-year plan laid down to improve and develop football throughout the country. To see to it that all women national teams competed competitively at all international competition for all the different age groups. She is currently serving as the first and only elective female executive member of Cosafa, elected in March 2022.